Michael Candelario: Entrepreneur and Preparer of Homes

Michael Candelario
3 min readJun 1, 2021


PHOENIX, AZ, USA, June 1, 2021 / EINPresswire.com/ — Michael Candelario is the owner at Original Goods. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship and finance, in 2006. He also graduated from the Virginia Military Institute with qualifications in real estate development. He has a passion for continued learning and is very success-driven. He considers himself a self-starter and is currently on a very strong entrepreneurial career path.

Michael Candelario also offers valuable advice on topics in which he is an expert. He has faced many challenges as an entrepreneur and knows how difficult it can be in the first few months of an entrepreneurial endeavor. He shares some of the tips that helped him succeed. For example, he tells entrepreneurs to set their expectations realistically. Their only competition should be themselves, and they should be making sure that they are improving on a daily basis. Many people set themselves up to fail by expecting instant success. Additionally, he tells people that they should continue even when they are overwhelmed and feel like they cannot do this. They should make sure to give their brain a chance to rest as much as it needs, but they should definitely continue to be productive. They should also acknowledge the pitfalls of failed businesses, but they should not get too caught up in them. Finding a mentor is also a very good idea, as these people will be able to encourage you and give you feedback that can really help you. Candelario also says that people should not be completely opposed to working for free at the beginning, in order to gain experience and networking contacts. They should be realistic and weigh their odds at the end of the day as well, and they should not be afraid to move on to a new venture if the current one is not working. Even if this is what happens, they should celebrate what they learned and be prepared to apply it in the future.

Michael Candelario also explains that flipping houses can be a wonderful way to make a lot of money. He says that the first thing you need is capital, meaning you will need to be able to buy the first home that you will be able to renovate. He also speaks of how you should make a checklist when it comes to the renovations that will improve the home’s property value, such as rooms that need to be remodeled or features that need to be added. If it is the first property you are flipping, he advises you to keep it simple. Additionally, it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who have experience in real estate and finance, so that you have advisors.

Michael Candelario states that 2021 is one of the best years that a person can consider buying and flipping a home. This is because after the COVID-19 pandemic, inventory is opening back up, and people are more likely to buy homes now. There are rising home prices in many regions, and there are specific properties that have become wonderful and affordable Investments. Rentals that have recently appeared on the market, small homes, and Airbnb properties are some options that you might want to consider.

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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com on June 1, 2021.



Michael Candelario

Michael Candelario, from Phoenix, Arizona is a self-starter and success driven individual. Michael graduation from The University of Wisconsin-Madison